The Benefits of Our Mortgage Advice Service

The majority of people out there maybe only think about their mortgage goals or existing mortgages every few years. Here at Lincolnmoneyman, we think about mortgages every day.

There is never a minute of our working hours where we aren’t engrossed in a case, working hard to try and help someone find a favourable outcome.

Because of the time and effort we put into being so efficient and valuable to the customer, we are well versed in lender criteria, understanding which of those on our panel would be most likely process your mortgage application.

We also like to ensure you are on the best rate available to you, eliminating any stress and long delays as best as we can.

Here are the 3 main advantages of seeking mortgage advice in Lincoln:

  1. Comparing Mortgage Deals
  2. Understanding of Mortgage Criteria
  3. Reducing Stress Levels

Comparing Mortgage Deals

Long before you could just Google the answers, comparing mortgages was a long and tedious process. Customers would use up their Saturday mornings going from bank to bank, to building society and so on, looking around to try and find the best deal on offer.

Although most of this can be cut out now, it’s still not completely straightforward, especially for those who are maybe first time buyers in Lincoln. With all the fees and charges and exit penalties from existing deals, it can be very confusing.

We use daily-updated mortgage sourcing software so that your dedicated mortgage advisor can recommend the most suitable mortgage for you, the customer. It’s our goal as a company, as a team, to save both your time and your money.

Understanding of Mortgage Criteria

You may be able to source a good deal, but it’s an entirely different ball game when it comes to actually being accepted for that deal. It’s not as simple as finding and asking for it, as you’ll have to match the lenders criteria for it.

There are lots of different reasons why people get declined for a mortgage nowadays, including low credit score, length of time they have been employed or self-employed (self-employed mortgages in Lincoln are always becoming more popular, so it’s important to do research ahead of time if you are your own boss), and failing the affordability calculator.

There are even more than that, but what is important to take away from this, is it is not something to be taken lightly. If you jump into the unknown, unprepared and ultimately unmatched, this could lead to a damaged credit rating. Every time you apply for a deal, the mortgage lender will carry out a credit search.

Too many applications to deals you don’t qualify for can come across to other lenders like you’re constantly being declined for something, which in turn could lead to the right lender with the right deal declining you as well. Your best bet is to speak with us first, so we can try and match you up with the right lender the first time.

Reducing Stress Levels

It has been said that other than dealing with the loss of a close family member or going through a divorce, that moving house is the most stressful experience you will face in your lifetime. This is especially the case if you’re selling a property and trying to complete your new purchase at the same time.

It’s our job to reduce your stress levels and work hard to make sure your mortgage application runs as smoothly as it possibly can. The best advice we can give, is to suggest getting in touch and speaking with a mortgage advisor in Lincoln, prior to finding a new home. In doing so, you will know roughly how much you are able to borrow and what your monthly mortgage repayments will be.

There’s a lot to work through with the legal aspects of your property purchase, packing and dealing with estate agents. We regularly hear from customers that they were glad to have a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln by their side throughout the mortgage process. Get in touch and we’ll see how we are able to help you!

Date Last Edited: December 12, 2023