Why Should I use a Mortgage broker in Lincoln? | MoneymanTV

Deciding to buy your first property is a challenging task. Therefore, you must take your time, look around for various options thoroughly and make an informed decision.

As you might anticipate, we believe there are some excellent reasons to use a mortgage broker in Lincoln. Whether the brokerage service is online, you can still pay a visit directly to the lender. Even in technological advancement, we find that most people still refer to a mortgage broker. Hence, we will take you through the pros and cons of both methods.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Firstly, a well-versed mortgage broker will take the time to have an initial conversation with the applicant to help him decipher if you are mortgage ready to make an application. When contacting us and gathering the necessary details, one of our mortgage advisors in Lincoln will make sure to shop around and get the best deals possible.

One of the most notable advantages of going with a mortgage broker is valuable expertise in the home buying or refinancing process. Mortgage brokers have ample industry experience to lean on when offering mortgage solutions to their customers.

Similarly, our mortgage broker in Lincoln also has access to try and find wholesale rates on home loans. These rates can be lower than the retail interest rates, helping borrowers save a substantial amount of money over the life of a home loan.

Most importantly, a Mortgage broker can be your point of contact from the time you first call them right up to when you finally get the keys of your house in your hands, and we will guide you through the entire process.

Bank vs Broker

On the contrary, going to a bank helps save you a broker fee, saving yourself a reasonable amount. In earlier years, another significant advantage of a bank was that the branch manager knows an individual’s finances in and out. However, that all went by the wayside when credit scoring came in and is no longer the factor.

Likewise, some Lenders offer exclusive ‘direct-only’ deals that a broker would not have any access. Lenders do this to attract a wide range of applicants to make a good spread of business from consumers and brokers alike, turning exclusive products on and off when deeming necessary. On the other side, some products may only be available via the broker and not direct with the lender.

From 2014 onwards, lenders got restricted to sell mortgages on a non-advised basis to just anyone. Up until that point, many applicants felt like the non-advisors had been trying to force actual advice on them. They weren’t able to benefit from some consumer protection that goes with mortgage sales conducted by professionally trained mortgage advisors.

Lenders were coming to terms with and hence the issues present in these services led to a significant shift towards more applications getting made via mortgage brokers who are quick enough to offer you same day mortgage service.

You also need to check carefully if a lender is willing to lend you a considerable amount of money. It does not matter how good a lender’s deal might seem, but he should lend a significant amount. For this reason, people opt to go to an apt and professional mortgage broker in Lincoln.

Handling Difficult Cases

Nowadays, mortgage applications are no more straightforward. Many factors make a case more complicated. A few of the examples are as follows:

– Poor credit history
– Too much debt
– Payday loans
Self employed in Lincoln Income
– Mixed source of deposit (savings/gift)
– Let to Buy (keeping your current house and buying another)
– Contract workers/zero-hours contracts
– Affordability

In the past years, lenders could stand out from the competition by offering a better deal to the applicants. In the current era, this is different because the lending criteria vary from one lender to another. Some lenders lend more to Self Employed applicants or take a more empathetic view of their credit report’s previous discrepancies.

When you explain your case to an experienced mortgage broker in Lincoln, there is a possible chance that they have encountered the same thing earlier in the past, allowing them to personalize their service and help you through the process. With extensive experience in the field, your mortgage advisor will hopefully be able to recommend the most suitable lender for you at the lowest rate possible.

More than that, it is not just about getting the Mortgage. Even if the application itself is self-explanatory, we offer extensive experience and knowledge to our clients. For example, we will discuss how much we will deliver on the property they are buying. Our team of mortgage advisors in Lincoln can recommend other professional services such as Solicitors and explain the different types of protection and survey available.

Responsive Service

Another significant advantage of using a mortgage broker is that the brokers are far more responsive than some lenders. Delivering personalized service is the differentiating factor between the broker and a lender.
Besides, another significant reason for hiring a mortgage broker is that it helps you save time. Most customers prefer a broker because they are too busy nowadays. they might need a mortgage but have no time to get it done so that our advisor will take the weight off for you.

You only need one application with a mortgage broker rather than individually filling out forms for every lender. Your mortgage broker can also provide a comparison of any loans recommended; guiding you to the information that accurately portrays cost differences, with current rates, points, and closing costs for each loan reflected.

Date Last Edited: February 2, 2024