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What is a 95% Mortgage?

A 95% mortgage is as simple as the name would suggest; you are borrowing against 95% of the price of a property, and then you are covering the remaining 5% with your deposit. An example of this is if you looked at buying a property that was worth £150,000 with a 95% mortgage, you would be putting down £7,500 as your deposit and borrow the remaining £142,500 from the lender. 

95% Mortgage Advice in Lincoln

Off the back of the March 2021 Budget, Boris Johnson announced a Mortgage Guarantee Scheme for mortgage lenders, making 95% mortgages more readily available from the bigger high street banks.   

This is fantastic news for First-Time Buyers and Home Movers alike, as this scheme will continue running until December 2022. Certain terms and conditions will apply though, which is something your Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln will be able to look at, to see if you qualify.    

All our customers who opt to get in touch will receive a free, no-obligation mortgage consultation where one of our dedicated mortgage advisors will be able to make a recommendation on the best possible route for you to take.

Can I get a 95% mortgage?

95% mortgages are usually accessible by both first time buyers in Lincoln & those who are moving home in Lincoln. Whilst saving for a 5% deposit sounds like a pretty straightforward concept, you’ll still need to have an acceptable credit score and prove that you are able to afford your monthly mortgage repayments, in order to access a 95% mortgage.

Improving your credit score

A good credit score is essential in the process of obtaining any mortgage, especially a 95% mortgage. Things like paying any current credit commitments on time, ensuring your addresses are updated and checking that you’re on the voters roll, can all help with your credit score.


Affordability is another one that is important to take note of. By giving the lender details of your income and monthly outgoings (things like your bank statements will be necessary for this) and any pre-existing credit commitments, your lender will be able to get a general overview of whether or not you are able to afford this type of mortgage.

Can my family help me get a 95% mortgage?

Nowadays we see lots of family members helping each other get onto the property ladder, especially parents looking to further their children’s lives. The way this usually happens is by gifting the person looking to find their home, the deposit required. Known through the industry as the “Bank of Mum & Dad, Gifted Deposits are only intended to be a gift, and not as a loan. The lender will need proof that this has been agreed, before it can be used towards your mortgage. 

How do I choose the right 95% mortgage?

When looking for a 95% mortgage, you want to make sure you have the right type of mortgage. Each mortgage type works differently, with that choice allowing you to find one that is most appropriate for your personal and financial situation. 

Some homeowners and home buyers prefer Fixed Rate or Tracker Mortgages, mortgage types which mean you either keep interest rates at a set amount for the term given or have your interest rates tracking the Bank of England base rates.

Alternatively, you might find that Interest-Only or a Repayment Mortgages are more your style. Interest-Only allows cheaper payments until you need to pay a lump sum at the end (mostly now used for Buy-to-Lets), whereas a Repayment mortgage (a normal mortgage if you’d like) means you’ll be paying interest and capital combined per month.

How can a bigger deposit help with my mortgage? 

Seeing as a mortgage is such a large financial outgoing, you need to be prepared and need to be aware. You might find things like higher interest rates, remortgaging difficulties due to less equity and then negative equity all cropping up if you’re not. 

There is no need to worry though, as all these can be avoided if you’re savvy enough with your process to begin with. The more deposit you put down for a property, the less risk the lender will see you as. 

A larger deposit, of say 10-15%, would not only reduce the rates of interest by a noticeable amount, but would also give the property more equity and reduce the risk of negative equity, thanks in part to you borrowing less against the property. 

So, whilst the risks may seem intimidating, planning ahead and saving for a bigger deposit to access something like a 90% or even an 85% mortgage will be a massive help in your mortgage journey and something you’ll be able to reap the rewards from in the future. 

The Pros and Cons of Using a Mortgage Broker in Lincoln

Why Should I use a Mortgage broker in Lincoln? | MoneymanTV

Deciding to buy your first property is a challenging task. Therefore, you must take your time, look around for various options thoroughly and make an informed decision.

As you might anticipate, we believe there are some excellent reasons to use a mortgage broker in Lincoln. Whether the brokerage service is online, you can still pay a visit directly to the lender. Even in technological advancement, we find that most people still refer to a mortgage broker. Hence, we will take you through the pros and cons of both methods.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Firstly, a well-versed mortgage broker will take the time to have an initial conversation with the applicant to help him decipher if you are mortgage ready to make an application. When contacting us and gathering the necessary details, one of our mortgage advisors in Lincoln will make sure to shop around and get the best deals possible.

One of the most notable advantages of going with a mortgage broker is valuable expertise in the home buying or refinancing process. Mortgage brokers have ample industry experience to lean on when offering mortgage solutions to their customers.

Similarly, our mortgage broker in Lincoln also has access to try and find wholesale rates on home loans. These rates can be lower than the retail interest rates, helping borrowers save a substantial amount of money over the life of a home loan.

Most importantly, a Mortgage broker can be your point of contact from the time you first call them right up to when you finally get the keys of your house in your hands, and we will guide you through the entire process.

Bank vs Broker

On the contrary, going to a bank helps save you a broker fee, saving yourself a reasonable amount. In earlier years, another significant advantage of a bank was that the branch manager knows an individual’s finances in and out. However, that all went by the wayside when credit scoring came in and is no longer the factor.

Likewise, some Lenders offer exclusive ‘direct-only’ deals that a broker would not have any access. Lenders do this to attract a wide range of applicants to make a good spread of business from consumers and brokers alike, turning exclusive products on and off when deeming necessary. On the other side, some products may only be available via the broker and not direct with the lender.

From 2014 onwards, lenders got restricted to sell mortgages on a non-advised basis to just anyone. Up until that point, many applicants felt like the non-advisors had been trying to force actual advice on them. They weren’t able to benefit from some consumer protection that goes with mortgage sales conducted by professionally trained mortgage advisors.

Lenders were coming to terms with and hence the issues present in these services led to a significant shift towards more applications getting made via mortgage brokers who are quick enough to offer you same day mortgage service.

You also need to check carefully if a lender is willing to lend you a considerable amount of money. It does not matter how good a lender’s deal might seem, but he should lend a significant amount. For this reason, people opt to go to an apt and professional mortgage broker in Lincoln.

Handling Difficult Cases

Nowadays, mortgage applications are no more straightforward. Many factors make a case more complicated. A few of the examples are as follows:

– Poor credit history
– Too much debt
– Payday loans
Self employed in Lincoln Income
– Mixed source of deposit (savings/gift)
– Let to Buy (keeping your current house and buying another)
– Contract workers/zero-hours contracts
– Affordability

In the past years, lenders could stand out from the competition by offering a better deal to the applicants. In the current era, this is different because the lending criteria vary from one lender to another. Some lenders lend more to Self Employed applicants or take a more empathetic view of their credit report’s previous discrepancies.

When you explain your case to an experienced mortgage broker in Lincoln, there is a possible chance that they have encountered the same thing earlier in the past, allowing them to personalize their service and help you through the process. With extensive experience in the field, your mortgage advisor will hopefully be able to recommend the most suitable lender for you at the lowest rate possible.

More than that, it is not just about getting the Mortgage. Even if the application itself is self-explanatory, we offer extensive experience and knowledge to our clients. For example, we will discuss how much we will deliver on the property they are buying. Our team of mortgage advisors in Lincoln can recommend other professional services such as Solicitors and explain the different types of protection and survey available.

Responsive Service

Another significant advantage of using a mortgage broker is that the brokers are far more responsive than some lenders. Delivering personalized service is the differentiating factor between the broker and a lender.
Besides, another significant reason for hiring a mortgage broker is that it helps you save time. Most customers prefer a broker because they are too busy nowadays. they might need a mortgage but have no time to get it done so that our advisor will take the weight off for you.

You only need one application with a mortgage broker rather than individually filling out forms for every lender. Your mortgage broker can also provide a comparison of any loans recommended; guiding you to the information that accurately portrays cost differences, with current rates, points, and closing costs for each loan reflected.

Mortgage Payment Holidays

Please note that the information contained in this article is for general guidance purposes only and should not be considered as legal, financial advice. All this content was relevant during the Coronavirus pandemic,

At the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Government promised that all borrowers would be allowed a three-month mortgage payment holiday on the condition that they needed it. Most lenders followed the Government’s guidelines and did their best to help out their borrowers during these hard few months. 

We felt that it is best, to sum up, what mortgage payment holidays are, what lenders are doing, and who can deliver you with help and advice through these next few months. 

What is a Mortgage Payment Holiday?

Mortgage payment holidays are agreements you make with your bank, building society or mortgage lender, allowing you to take a break from your monthly mortgage payments for a set period. In the case of the current COVID-19 crisis, homeowners are being granted 3-months relief.

The 3 months will be added on at the end of your term or your payments will be recalculated at a slightly higher level, meaning you will still have to pay those 3 months back eventually.

Your interest, however, carries on as normal, meaning you’ll technically be paying an additional 3 months of interest on top of what you’ve paid already.

Most lenders would likely prefer to not extend your mortgage term, as you may end up going beyond their standard retirement age. There’ll be more information on this over time.

Depending on the mortgage deal you have in place, you may be able to pay off a lump sum later on in the year to bring your mortgage in line with where it would’ve been had you not taken a holiday.

Mortgage Payments Holidays are available for those with residential mortgages and buy to let mortgages in Lincoln, meaning landlords will also have help if their payments are affected.

What is the Government Proposal?

The full proposal is in detail below:

Mortgage Payment Holidays: How do I apply?

To discuss your options for Mortgage Payment Holidays, we would recommend speaking to a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln to start with and not jumping straight into taking a holiday.

We’ll be able to take a look for you first and see if this option is something worth your time. Lenders will no doubt be facing an influx of calls, needing to be free to speak with the most urgent matters over everyone else.

We’ll look through your personal situation and see if there are any other options for you first before you decided to take a Mortgage Payment Holiday.

For a customer, up to date with payments, not in arrears and impacted by COVID-19:

Mortgage Payment Holidays – What does this mean for my Credit Score?

Generally, these can show up on your credit score as a negative mark, but most lenders have said if your case is linked to the virus, they’ll make sure it doesn’t affect your credit score at all.

It’s important that you speak directly with your lender to ask them this, recording their response. Also take the date and time, as well as the name of who you spoke to, to avoid any confusion later on. Different lenders will handle these things differently than one another.

Will I still be able to remortgage or take a Product Transfer with my lender?

Controversial for some, but there is now evidence that lenders are asking borrowers to try and not make changes to their mortgage whilst within the holiday period. This means, for the time being, you can’t take out a remortgage in Lincoln or product transfer.

In simpler terms, borrowers reaching the end of their current product may be forced to move to the higher lenders variable rate. This means many borrowers who act too quickly could find themselves on a Mortgage Payment Holiday that gains interest on a more expensive variable rate.

This is another reason why we highly recommend speaking to a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln first, to determine the right path for you to take. If possible, try arranging a transfer prior to asking for a holiday, as that seems like a more sensible option.

What “Other Options” are available?

Some lenders are offering a temporary switch to interest-only, in order to reduce monthly payments by a large amount, while not adding on any further amount to the loan, by still servicing the interest each month.

You may not need to convert the entire mortgage to an interest-only mortgage and it may be that putting only a portion of this mortgage on that basis could give you room to breathe.

Those who have savings may prefer remortgaging onto an offset basis. This would reduce their monthly payments whilst keeping their savings safe and intact.

For example, someone with a £500,000 loan and £100,000 in savings would only pay interest on £400,000 reducing their payments accordingly.

For others, remortgaging onto another lender, calculating the cost of any early repayment charges, maybe all you need to ease the pressure you currently face. You could also simply extend your current term, thus spreading your payments across a longer time frame.

To discuss any of these options, or to just have a helpful chat about your current situation please contact us and we’ll see how we can be of assistance.

Remove a Person from a Mortgage

Mortgage Advice in Lincoln

If your personal situation has recently changed and you are looking to remove a person from a mortgage then please get in touch as this can sometimes require specialist mortgage advice in Lincoln. Our mortgage advisors in Lincoln have a lot of experience in this area of expertise and have helped many customers during a financial separation.

Removing a person from a mortgage is not as easy as it sounds!

If you look at the situation from the mortgage lenders side, they have two people for security on the property, so if a situation like mortgage arrears or more seriously repossession occurred then they have two parties to chase for financial compensation.

If they were to allow one person off the mortgage then this halves the chance they would have to see payment. Usually if the person that wants to keep the property can afford the property in their own right based on income and affordability this may be allowed.

This largely differs between mortgage lenders and this is where I can help as during this time, it may be advisable to switch mortgage lender and get a better mortgage deal in a sole name.

Often, in situations like financial separations a lump sum may be also raised against the property to ‘pay off’ the other party.

Problems can arise, the main one being that the income may not be large enough to afford the whole mortgage in a sole name, there are still ways I can help such as family guarantors etc.

Book Your Free Mortgage Appointment

We’re also able to help if you would like to put life insurance policies and any home insurance policies in sole names. Our Mortgage Advisors in Lincoln are very experienced in this field so there is never usually a situation I have not come across at some point before.

Can I Get a Mortgage in Lincoln with Bad Credit?

Can I Get a Mortgage With Bad Credit? | MoneymanTV

Bad Credit Mortgage Advice in Lincoln

Navigating the realm of unsecured credit demands thoughtful consideration. Our frequent consultations with clients often centre around providing tailored mortgage advice in Lincoln, especially for those contending with challenges like missed payments, a low credit score, CCJs, and defaults.

Even seemingly minor issues, such as multiple missed payments on a mobile phone contract, can result in a default being added to your credit file. This, in turn, may pose future challenges when seeking a mortgage, signalling potential concerns about reliability with payments.

The silver lining is that having missed payments or defaults doesn’t mark the end of possibilities. While the mortgage process may require specialised advice in Lincoln, viable options can still be explored. A substantial deposit, even with a less-than-ideal credit history in Lincoln, can significantly bolster your chances of securing a mortgage.

Specialist mortgage lenders will meticulously assess when and why a default was registered, with a higher likelihood of success the further in the past it occurred. Transparent communication about life events contributing to the default may evoke a more sympathetic approach from the mortgage lender.

Bad Credit Mortgage FAQs

Our comprehensive compilation of frequently asked questions and answers about bad credit mortgages in Lincoln serves as a valuable resource.

If your specific question or situation is not covered, feel free to reach out. Our seasoned mortgage advice team, well-versed in handling complex situations, stands ready to explore tailored solutions for your unique circumstances.

What will my mortgage advisor in Lincoln need to see?

Regardless of past credit challenges, your mortgage advisor in Lincoln will necessitate an up-to-date copy of your credit report.

This report, accessible online often at no cost, is a key step before embarking on a mortgage application, especially if uncertainties linger about your credit history. Multiple unsuccessful credit searches can adversely affect your credit rating and potentially impede your mortgage prospects.

I have a good income but bad credit. Can I still get a mortgage in Lincoln?

The impact of your credit score on mortgage eligibility hinges on individual circumstances. Many clients find their credit score perplexing and may require assistance in deciphering why it might pose an issue.

While some clients may boast a less-than-ideal credit score, the promise presented by a substantial deposit and consistent income could appear encouraging. However, due to inherent risks, mortgage lenders may approach their application with caution.

A mortgage lender seeks unwavering certainty that you can meet mortgage payments, aiming to prevent the risk of falling into arrears and home repossession.

Despite challenges, bad credit mortgages in Lincoln remain viable options, often accompanied by adjusted rates. The judicious step forward is to schedule an appointment with a seasoned mortgage broker in Lincoln.

I’ve had mortgage problems before. Will that stop me from getting a mortgage?

Financial challenges beyond one’s control may lead to difficulties in meeting mortgage payments, potentially resulting in a temporary inability to pay and a subsequent missed payment on your record.

Facing credit challenges during remortgaging in Lincoln, a first-time home purchase, or moving home in Lincoln stems from the lender’s risk assessment and trust in your ability to prevent recurrence. As providers of transparent and expert mortgage advice in Lincoln, we have successfully aided clients previously entangled in a mortgage with subsequent poor credit history.

For those in a similar situation, consulting with a responsive and amicable mortgage broker in Lincoln is a valuable step towards achieving future mortgage success.

What other types of adverse obstacles are customers facing?

Clients encounter a myriad of bad credit issues during the mortgage process, each presenting its own set of challenges. Issues may encompass missed mortgage payments, defaults on credit cards or loans, County Court Judgements (CCJs), and bankruptcy.

While these circumstances are less than ideal, they by no means signal the end of the road. Specialist mortgage lenders may extend their assistance, albeit with an extended and potentially more challenging process, accompanied by adjusted mortgage rates. To fortify your prospects, focus on actively improving your credit score.

Get in Touch for Bad Credit Mortgage Advice in Lincoln

For expert mortgage advice in Lincoln regarding bad credit mortgages, secure your free mortgage appointment online.

Our seasoned mortgage advisors in Lincoln, equipped with over 20 years of knowledge, are dedicated to crafting a clear plan for addressing your credit score ahead of the mortgage process. Our ultimate objective is to guide you towards securing your own mortgage.

Factors to Help you Decide Where to Live in Lincoln

When you start house hunting there are many things you will consider. Such as mortgage arrangements and the best mortgage deal for you and your general finances. With regards to your new home, you will consider the location, amenities in or near the area and how much you get for your money. 

Let’s consider a few points for when you start looking for your new home.

1. Where to Live, Lincoln City or Rural Location

The location will be important, whether you want a city location or are you looking for a more rural setting. You need to consider this carefully, as this could also affect the commute to work, access to local amenities, shops, schools etc.

2. Transport

For many people, there are some factors we all generally have to consider, how we get to work. So access to major transport links, railway or bus station, motorway links.

3. Schools, Colleges

For those with children, an important factor is usually the quality of the local school. There are some great schools in Lincoln and you will probably already taken a look at the school league tables and will have some opinions on which school(s) you would like your children to attend. Check the catchment areas, this will then provide you with the area(s) to consider your new home.

4. Lincoln – Local Amenities

What you are looking for from the local area may differ depending on your lifestyle. Some of the things you may consider are the proximity of local shops, the nearest supermarket and maybe how close you are to bars, restaurants. You may also like to have local parks, open spaces, gym’s etc. We recommend you make a shortlist, what you need and what you would ‘like’. When you find a house you are interested in you can then compare with your ‘wish list’

5. Family & Friends

This is a personal choice and will be dependant on your circumstances and influenced on whether for example, you need family support with the children, help with school runs and childcare. Your friends are important so so it may also be that you would like to be as close to them as possible, or at least just a short distance away.

6. Value for Money

Value for money. Where you buy your next home will affect how far your money will go and what you get in a home for the money you spend. So you may need to compromise on location to get what you are looking for in your new house

7. Where to Live – Local Community

Some of us like to be ‘part of the community’ so may like to see you local area involved in arts, crafts, book fairs, local events at the community hall etc, so take time to look and see what happens in the local area, ask the estate agent to find out for you or look at local websites

8. House Prices – Long Term

First time buyers in Lincoln buying a new home is usually viewed as a long term investment with outhouse value expected to rise over time. To help this you could look to see if the local area has investment plans, new road links, local developments, shops, sports facilities, companies investing in the local area can all have an affect your future house value, so do a little research if this is important to you.

Agreement in Principle and Soft Credit Searches

A Mortgage Agreement in Principle is what you are given once you pass the Lenders credit score to qualify for a Mortgage. Often shortened to AIP, this allows you to make an offer on a property you like. It’s can also be helpful when negotiating on house prices, as it shows the seller you’re serious about your offer and are prepared as a first time buyer in Lincoln.

What effect does an AIP have on your credit score?

This is dependant on whether the lender decides to use a Hard Credit Search or a Soft Credit Search. Below are the differences between the two;

Hard Searches:

Hard Searches go more in-depth than Soft Searches. The main difference is that Hard Searches are likely to affect your Credit Score. If you have a good Credit Score however, you don’t need to worry going into this as a first time buyer in Lincoln.

Soft Searches:

The more likely option these days is that a Lender will carry out Soft Searches. These usually needing less information and in most cases leave your Credit Score unaffected.

Does an AIP Guarantee a Mortgage in Lincoln?

Although they can be a game-changer, a mortgage isn’t always guaranteed. The lender will need you to provide them with documents in order for the Underwriter to make a final decision.

There is often small print included on Agreements in Principle that may easily be missed. When customers reach out for assistance with their Agreement In Principle, at times we have found they’ve been turned away at full mortgage application stage.

The documents you will be required to provide can include; Identification, Payslips, Bank Statements and more. As your Mortgage Broker in Lincoln, we take pride in helping our customers, whether they are moving home in Lincoln or self employed in Lincoln.

Is My AIP a Necessity When Making an Offer?

You may be able to get away with this, however, most estate agents will want evidence that you are able to proceed.

How Long Will My AIP Last For?

AIP’s usually need renewing after around 30-90 days, although this isn’t a worry. The main reason we recommend getting one so early is to avoid being told your dream home is no longer available for purchase.

Getting your Agreement in Principle sorted also means you don’t always need to buy the first house you see. It’s a simple process, so if it expires you can easily get another.

The Importance of Changing Your Address in Lincoln

The importance of updating information

When it comes to first time buyers in Lincoln applying for a mortgage and your credit score, the fewer addresses you have on your record the better, however it seems that people are becoming savvier and aware of this.

We are now seeing more and more applicants who have moved out of their parents address into rented accommodation but think that it is a good idea to leave their bank statements, credit card and Electoral Roll information registered at their previous address.

There are good reasons why people do this, however, I’m afraid this is now a flawed strategy. Almost without fail, if you have moved to a new address, there will be some record of this on your credit report.

This could be from a delivery address when you have ordered something online or a car/home insurance search and many more.

By far a better strategy for you if you are thinking about taking out a mortgage is to get all of your accounts (credit cards / current accounts) and electoral roll changed over to your new address.

Mortgage Advice in Lincoln

When updating your address on your credit file and electoral roll ensure you double-check the date in and date out. If you do make a mistake with these dates it can appear that you are living in two places at the same time.
This is a more open and honest way of trying to apply for a mortgage.

Mortgage Protection Insurance Explained in Lincoln

Mortgage Protection Insurance is a term used to encompass various types of cover designed to protect borrowers from events which could severely impact their ability to maintain mortgage payments.

There are different variations but when connected to a mortgage they are all there to provide peace of mind and usually fall into the following categories:

Life Insurance

As a rule, if the policyholder dies within the term, then the sum assured should be enough to pay off the outstanding mortgage balance and ensure the borrower’s dependants aren’t left with a debt they might not otherwise be able to manage.   

Our Mortgage Advisors in Lincoln can run through all the different types of life cover and recommend the most suitable plan for you.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Insurance works in a similar way to Life Assurance, in that it is usually taken for a specific term of years and can have the different options such as level/increasing etc. It is designed to pay out a lump sum and, like Life cover, for borrowers it is typically taken on a decreasing term basis in line with the reduction of your mortgage balance.

The key is that the benefit is paid if you fall victim to one of a number of specified critical illnesses and pays out whatever the long-term prognosis of that illness. The type of illnesses covered vary from company to company, that’s why this type of insurance cannot be solely price driven and advice is recommended.

In practice many companies will offer Life and Critical Illness Critical cover as a combined policy and would usually pay out on the “first event” i.e. whatever happens first – either death or serious illness – the pay-out is made. They can also be written on a single or joint life basis

Income Protection

Whereas Life and Critical Illness cover pay out a lump sum, Income Protection pays out a monthly sum designed to replace your wages in the event of you being unfit to work. Unlike Critical Illness cover, there are no restrictions on the illnesses or injuries covered, the only factor being whether they make you unfit to work. There are however restrictions on how much you can cover and how quickly benefits would start to be paid.

Like Life and Critical Illness cover, these policies are underwritten based on your health and lifestyle at the time you apply. All income protection policies are written on a single life basis.

Family Income Benefit

Probably the least common of the mortgage protection type policies but can often be valuable – particularly for those with young families. These plans can be taken to cover Life and/or Critical Illness and are underwritten on application in the same way as mentioned above.

However, unlike the traditional forms of policy, rather than pay out a lump sum, the cover would pay an annual or monthly income for the remainder of the term of the plan. Thus, it can replace the income of the main breadwinner for a number of years, dependent upon a particular client’s circumstances and, because of this would usually be written on a level or basis, or an index-linked basis designed to keep up with inflation.


There’s an adage that says you can never have too much insurance. Certainly, many people have one or more of the different types of policy and it would be wrong to think of Mortgage Protection Insurance as just an “either/or” choice. However, in the real world, affordability plays a massive part, so whilst it would be fantastic to cover yourself for every potential opportunity, a good advisor will sit down with you and tailor the type of cover to be the most suitable combination to your family’s priority and budget.

This is where we can help! Please give us a call or fill out our enquiry form to speak with one of our Dedicated Protection Specialists. & Lincolnmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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