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Can You Have Two Mortgages?

Mortgage Advice for Homeowners in Need of Multiple Mortgages

Can I Have Multiple Mortgage? | MoneymanTV 

There are multiple reasons why some homeowners in Lincoln may look to obtain a second mortgage. One example of this would be if you are looking to expand your property portfolio and you need to obtain a mortgage to do this.

Alternatively, you may find that you need to take out a second mortgage if you have a family member who is unable to qualify for a mortgage themselves, obtaining a mortgage in your name and allowing them to live in the property.

If the lender can see that you cannot afford the costs involved with a second mortgage, then your application will be denied.

Why would I want a second mortgage?

As a trusted Mortgage Broker in Lincoln, we have seen people apply for a second mortgage for all kinds of different reasons. Here are a few reasons to consider one.

Raise Money

If you are over five years into your mortgage term, then by now, you should have built yourself up a reasonable amount of equity in your home.

This situation is known as a further advance. A further advance is when you borrow more from your current lender to fund something like home improvements or a second mortgage.

What you do with that money is completely your choice, after all, it’s the equity you have built up in your own home. Some people use it to fund the deposit of another mortgage, whilst others may use it to take their dream holiday. There are no limitations once you’ve withdrawn that equity.

The amount that you can borrow from them will depend on the amount of equity in your property. Your lender will need strong evidence to prove that you can afford both mortgages. Our mortgage advisors in Lincoln can access competitive second mortgage deals and options through our large panel of lenders. 

Rent Out a New Property (Buy to Let)

Whether you are a landlord with experience within the market already or someone new looking into making their first investment on a property, you will need more than one mortgage to achieve your goals.

Buy to let landlords will likely use a suitably extensive portfolio to the process of getting more than one mortgage. For those starting as a landlord, sometimes you need Mortgage Advice in Lincoln to make sure everything gets sorted.

Second mortgages work similarly to other mortgages. You still need to put down a deposit (usually around 15%-25% of the property) and pass the lenders’ affordability checks. Affordability does not always come down to your income, and some lenders will look into the predicted rental income.

No doubt, once the landlord has found tenants and they have moved in, the costs of your mortgage payments should be sufficiently covered. Initially, though this might prove challenging, you need to cover the expenses until the income starts to flow.

For Buy to Let Mortgage Advice in Lincoln, please feel free to book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our Mortgage Advisors here at Lincolnmoneyman.

Rent Out an Existing Home to Purchase a New One (Let to Buy)

This sort of process is what is known as a let to buy mortgage. Some homeowners will have an option to get a second mortgage on a newly purchased home, allowing them to rent out their current home and move into a new home for themselves.

Let to buys are of course very similar to buy to lets, it just works a little bit differently. In this case, you need to find a tenant for your current property, in order to move out yourself. Landlords may do this if they want to move into a bigger family home.

Our buy to let Mortgage Advisors in Lincoln have a lot of experience and knowledge in working with let to buy mortgages, so get in touch if you would like an advisor to help you with a let to buy second mortgage.

Purchase a Home For Your Children/Family Member

If you have any children or other family members who are having some difficulty getting themselves onto the property ladder, you may have the option to take out a mortgage in your name and allow them to move into it as their new home.

Going down this route will likely land you with a guarantor mortgage. Another popular option that some people go with is to gift the person in need their deposit. Gifted deposits are crucial to the property market and are always a fond option for helping a loved one find their footing on the property ladder.

Are you named on an existing mortgage and want to buy a new home?

There are various reasons why you can be listed on two mortgages. Sometimes it’s something you’ve planned for, but in other cases, it can be completely unintentional.

Through our work as a mortgage broker in Lincoln, we regularly find that one of the most common reasons for someone taking out a second mortgage is divorce or separation.

The tricky part here is that it can be hard to remove your own or your ex-partner’s name from the mortgage you share. Once again, this is down to affordability and to both parties having to agree mutually. Though it may come with challenges, obtaining a mortgage post-divorce or separation is not entirely impossible.

If you have your name on an existing mortgage for a home you no longer live in, we recommend you look at getting your name removed sooner rather than later.

Having any financial ties to someone may lower your overall credit score, especially if the other person is terrible at managing their finances and getting into arrears regularly.

Why Should I Use a Mortgage Broker?

The Benefits of Our Mortgage Advice Service

The majority of people out there maybe only think about their mortgage goals or existing mortgages every few years. Here at Lincolnmoneyman, we think about mortgages every day.

There is never a minute of our working hours where we aren’t engrossed in a case, working hard to try and help someone find a favourable outcome.

Because of the time and effort we put into being so efficient and valuable to the customer, we are well versed in lender criteria, understanding which of those on our panel would be most likely process your mortgage application.

We also like to ensure you are on the best rate available to you, eliminating any stress and long delays as best as we can.

Here are the 3 main advantages of seeking mortgage advice in Lincoln:

  1. Comparing Mortgage Deals
  2. Understanding of Mortgage Criteria
  3. Reducing Stress Levels

Comparing Mortgage Deals

Long before you could just Google the answers, comparing mortgages was a long and tedious process. Customers would use up their Saturday mornings going from bank to bank, to building society and so on, looking around to try and find the best deal on offer.

Although most of this can be cut out now, it’s still not completely straightforward, especially for those who are maybe first time buyers in Lincoln. With all the fees and charges and exit penalties from existing deals, it can be very confusing.

We use daily-updated mortgage sourcing software so that your dedicated mortgage advisor can recommend the most suitable mortgage for you, the customer. It’s our goal as a company, as a team, to save both your time and your money.

Understanding of Mortgage Criteria

You may be able to source a good deal, but it’s an entirely different ball game when it comes to actually being accepted for that deal. It’s not as simple as finding and asking for it, as you’ll have to match the lenders criteria for it.

There are lots of different reasons why people get declined for a mortgage nowadays, including low credit score, length of time they have been employed or self-employed (self-employed mortgages in Lincoln are always becoming more popular, so it’s important to do research ahead of time if you are your own boss), and failing the affordability calculator.

There are even more than that, but what is important to take away from this, is it is not something to be taken lightly. If you jump into the unknown, unprepared and ultimately unmatched, this could lead to a damaged credit rating. Every time you apply for a deal, the mortgage lender will carry out a credit search.

Too many applications to deals you don’t qualify for can come across to other lenders like you’re constantly being declined for something, which in turn could lead to the right lender with the right deal declining you as well. Your best bet is to speak with us first, so we can try and match you up with the right lender the first time.

Reducing Stress Levels

It has been said that other than dealing with the loss of a close family member or going through a divorce, that moving house is the most stressful experience you will face in your lifetime. This is especially the case if you’re selling a property and trying to complete your new purchase at the same time.

It’s our job to reduce your stress levels and work hard to make sure your mortgage application runs as smoothly as it possibly can. The best advice we can give, is to suggest getting in touch and speaking with a mortgage advisor in Lincoln, prior to finding a new home. In doing so, you will know roughly how much you are able to borrow and what your monthly mortgage repayments will be.

There’s a lot to work through with the legal aspects of your property purchase, packing and dealing with estate agents. We regularly hear from customers that they were glad to have a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln by their side throughout the mortgage process. Get in touch and we’ll see how we are able to help you!

The Pros and Cons of Using a Mortgage Broker in Lincoln

Why Should I use a Mortgage broker in Lincoln? | MoneymanTV

Deciding to buy your first property is a challenging task. Therefore, you must take your time, look around for various options thoroughly and make an informed decision.

As you might anticipate, we believe there are some excellent reasons to use a mortgage broker in Lincoln. Whether the brokerage service is online, you can still pay a visit directly to the lender. Even in technological advancement, we find that most people still refer to a mortgage broker. Hence, we will take you through the pros and cons of both methods.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Firstly, a well-versed mortgage broker will take the time to have an initial conversation with the applicant to help him decipher if you are mortgage ready to make an application. When contacting us and gathering the necessary details, one of our mortgage advisors in Lincoln will make sure to shop around and get the best deals possible.

One of the most notable advantages of going with a mortgage broker is valuable expertise in the home buying or refinancing process. Mortgage brokers have ample industry experience to lean on when offering mortgage solutions to their customers.

Similarly, our mortgage broker in Lincoln also has access to try and find wholesale rates on home loans. These rates can be lower than the retail interest rates, helping borrowers save a substantial amount of money over the life of a home loan.

Most importantly, a Mortgage broker can be your point of contact from the time you first call them right up to when you finally get the keys of your house in your hands, and we will guide you through the entire process.

Bank vs Broker

On the contrary, going to a bank helps save you a broker fee, saving yourself a reasonable amount. In earlier years, another significant advantage of a bank was that the branch manager knows an individual’s finances in and out. However, that all went by the wayside when credit scoring came in and is no longer the factor.

Likewise, some Lenders offer exclusive ‘direct-only’ deals that a broker would not have any access. Lenders do this to attract a wide range of applicants to make a good spread of business from consumers and brokers alike, turning exclusive products on and off when deeming necessary. On the other side, some products may only be available via the broker and not direct with the lender.

From 2014 onwards, lenders got restricted to sell mortgages on a non-advised basis to just anyone. Up until that point, many applicants felt like the non-advisors had been trying to force actual advice on them. They weren’t able to benefit from some consumer protection that goes with mortgage sales conducted by professionally trained mortgage advisors.

Lenders were coming to terms with and hence the issues present in these services led to a significant shift towards more applications getting made via mortgage brokers who are quick enough to offer you same day mortgage service.

You also need to check carefully if a lender is willing to lend you a considerable amount of money. It does not matter how good a lender’s deal might seem, but he should lend a significant amount. For this reason, people opt to go to an apt and professional mortgage broker in Lincoln.

Handling Difficult Cases

Nowadays, mortgage applications are no more straightforward. Many factors make a case more complicated. A few of the examples are as follows:

– Poor credit history
– Too much debt
– Payday loans
Self employed in Lincoln Income
– Mixed source of deposit (savings/gift)
– Let to Buy (keeping your current house and buying another)
– Contract workers/zero-hours contracts
– Affordability

In the past years, lenders could stand out from the competition by offering a better deal to the applicants. In the current era, this is different because the lending criteria vary from one lender to another. Some lenders lend more to Self Employed applicants or take a more empathetic view of their credit report’s previous discrepancies.

When you explain your case to an experienced mortgage broker in Lincoln, there is a possible chance that they have encountered the same thing earlier in the past, allowing them to personalize their service and help you through the process. With extensive experience in the field, your mortgage advisor will hopefully be able to recommend the most suitable lender for you at the lowest rate possible.

More than that, it is not just about getting the Mortgage. Even if the application itself is self-explanatory, we offer extensive experience and knowledge to our clients. For example, we will discuss how much we will deliver on the property they are buying. Our team of mortgage advisors in Lincoln can recommend other professional services such as Solicitors and explain the different types of protection and survey available.

Responsive Service

Another significant advantage of using a mortgage broker is that the brokers are far more responsive than some lenders. Delivering personalized service is the differentiating factor between the broker and a lender.
Besides, another significant reason for hiring a mortgage broker is that it helps you save time. Most customers prefer a broker because they are too busy nowadays. they might need a mortgage but have no time to get it done so that our advisor will take the weight off for you.

You only need one application with a mortgage broker rather than individually filling out forms for every lender. Your mortgage broker can also provide a comparison of any loans recommended; guiding you to the information that accurately portrays cost differences, with current rates, points, and closing costs for each loan reflected.

Mortgage Payment Holidays

Please note that the information contained in this article is for general guidance purposes only and should not be considered as legal, financial advice. All this content was relevant during the Coronavirus pandemic,

At the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Government promised that all borrowers would be allowed a three-month mortgage payment holiday on the condition that they needed it. Most lenders followed the Government’s guidelines and did their best to help out their borrowers during these hard few months. 

We felt that it is best, to sum up, what mortgage payment holidays are, what lenders are doing, and who can deliver you with help and advice through these next few months. 

What is a Mortgage Payment Holiday?

Mortgage payment holidays are agreements you make with your bank, building society or mortgage lender, allowing you to take a break from your monthly mortgage payments for a set period. In the case of the current COVID-19 crisis, homeowners are being granted 3-months relief.

The 3 months will be added on at the end of your term or your payments will be recalculated at a slightly higher level, meaning you will still have to pay those 3 months back eventually.

Your interest, however, carries on as normal, meaning you’ll technically be paying an additional 3 months of interest on top of what you’ve paid already.

Most lenders would likely prefer to not extend your mortgage term, as you may end up going beyond their standard retirement age. There’ll be more information on this over time.

Depending on the mortgage deal you have in place, you may be able to pay off a lump sum later on in the year to bring your mortgage in line with where it would’ve been had you not taken a holiday.

Mortgage Payments Holidays are available for those with residential mortgages and buy to let mortgages in Lincoln, meaning landlords will also have help if their payments are affected.

What is the Government Proposal?

The full proposal is in detail below:

Mortgage Payment Holidays: How do I apply?

To discuss your options for Mortgage Payment Holidays, we would recommend speaking to a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln to start with and not jumping straight into taking a holiday.

We’ll be able to take a look for you first and see if this option is something worth your time. Lenders will no doubt be facing an influx of calls, needing to be free to speak with the most urgent matters over everyone else.

We’ll look through your personal situation and see if there are any other options for you first before you decided to take a Mortgage Payment Holiday.

For a customer, up to date with payments, not in arrears and impacted by COVID-19:

Mortgage Payment Holidays – What does this mean for my Credit Score?

Generally, these can show up on your credit score as a negative mark, but most lenders have said if your case is linked to the virus, they’ll make sure it doesn’t affect your credit score at all.

It’s important that you speak directly with your lender to ask them this, recording their response. Also take the date and time, as well as the name of who you spoke to, to avoid any confusion later on. Different lenders will handle these things differently than one another.

Will I still be able to remortgage or take a Product Transfer with my lender?

Controversial for some, but there is now evidence that lenders are asking borrowers to try and not make changes to their mortgage whilst within the holiday period. This means, for the time being, you can’t take out a remortgage in Lincoln or product transfer.

In simpler terms, borrowers reaching the end of their current product may be forced to move to the higher lenders variable rate. This means many borrowers who act too quickly could find themselves on a Mortgage Payment Holiday that gains interest on a more expensive variable rate.

This is another reason why we highly recommend speaking to a Mortgage Advisor in Lincoln first, to determine the right path for you to take. If possible, try arranging a transfer prior to asking for a holiday, as that seems like a more sensible option.

What “Other Options” are available?

Some lenders are offering a temporary switch to interest-only, in order to reduce monthly payments by a large amount, while not adding on any further amount to the loan, by still servicing the interest each month.

You may not need to convert the entire mortgage to an interest-only mortgage and it may be that putting only a portion of this mortgage on that basis could give you room to breathe.

Those who have savings may prefer remortgaging onto an offset basis. This would reduce their monthly payments whilst keeping their savings safe and intact.

For example, someone with a £500,000 loan and £100,000 in savings would only pay interest on £400,000 reducing their payments accordingly.

For others, remortgaging onto another lender, calculating the cost of any early repayment charges, maybe all you need to ease the pressure you currently face. You could also simply extend your current term, thus spreading your payments across a longer time frame.

To discuss any of these options, or to just have a helpful chat about your current situation please contact us and we’ll see how we can be of assistance.

Agreement in Principle and Soft Credit Searches

A Mortgage Agreement in Principle is what you are given once you pass the Lenders credit score to qualify for a Mortgage. Often shortened to AIP, this allows you to make an offer on a property you like. It’s can also be helpful when negotiating on house prices, as it shows the seller you’re serious about your offer and are prepared as a first time buyer in Lincoln.

What effect does an AIP have on your credit score?

This is dependant on whether the lender decides to use a Hard Credit Search or a Soft Credit Search. Below are the differences between the two;

Hard Searches:

Hard Searches go more in-depth than Soft Searches. The main difference is that Hard Searches are likely to affect your Credit Score. If you have a good Credit Score however, you don’t need to worry going into this as a first time buyer in Lincoln.

Soft Searches:

The more likely option these days is that a Lender will carry out Soft Searches. These usually needing less information and in most cases leave your Credit Score unaffected.

Does an AIP Guarantee a Mortgage in Lincoln?

Although they can be a game-changer, a mortgage isn’t always guaranteed. The lender will need you to provide them with documents in order for the Underwriter to make a final decision.

There is often small print included on Agreements in Principle that may easily be missed. When customers reach out for assistance with their Agreement In Principle, at times we have found they’ve been turned away at full mortgage application stage.

The documents you will be required to provide can include; Identification, Payslips, Bank Statements and more. As your Mortgage Broker in Lincoln, we take pride in helping our customers, whether they are moving home in Lincoln or self employed in Lincoln.

Is My AIP a Necessity When Making an Offer?

You may be able to get away with this, however, most estate agents will want evidence that you are able to proceed.

How Long Will My AIP Last For?

AIP’s usually need renewing after around 30-90 days, although this isn’t a worry. The main reason we recommend getting one so early is to avoid being told your dream home is no longer available for purchase.

Getting your Agreement in Principle sorted also means you don’t always need to buy the first house you see. It’s a simple process, so if it expires you can easily get another.

Mortgage Protection Insurance Explained in Lincoln

Mortgage Protection Insurance is a term used to encompass various types of cover designed to protect borrowers from events which could severely impact their ability to maintain mortgage payments.

There are different variations but when connected to a mortgage they are all there to provide peace of mind and usually fall into the following categories:

Life Insurance

As a rule, if the policyholder dies within the term, then the sum assured should be enough to pay off the outstanding mortgage balance and ensure the borrower’s dependants aren’t left with a debt they might not otherwise be able to manage.   

Our Mortgage Advisors in Lincoln can run through all the different types of life cover and recommend the most suitable plan for you.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Insurance works in a similar way to Life Assurance, in that it is usually taken for a specific term of years and can have the different options such as level/increasing etc. It is designed to pay out a lump sum and, like Life cover, for borrowers it is typically taken on a decreasing term basis in line with the reduction of your mortgage balance.

The key is that the benefit is paid if you fall victim to one of a number of specified critical illnesses and pays out whatever the long-term prognosis of that illness. The type of illnesses covered vary from company to company, that’s why this type of insurance cannot be solely price driven and advice is recommended.

In practice many companies will offer Life and Critical Illness Critical cover as a combined policy and would usually pay out on the “first event” i.e. whatever happens first – either death or serious illness – the pay-out is made. They can also be written on a single or joint life basis

Income Protection

Whereas Life and Critical Illness cover pay out a lump sum, Income Protection pays out a monthly sum designed to replace your wages in the event of you being unfit to work. Unlike Critical Illness cover, there are no restrictions on the illnesses or injuries covered, the only factor being whether they make you unfit to work. There are however restrictions on how much you can cover and how quickly benefits would start to be paid.

Like Life and Critical Illness cover, these policies are underwritten based on your health and lifestyle at the time you apply. All income protection policies are written on a single life basis.

Family Income Benefit

Probably the least common of the mortgage protection type policies but can often be valuable – particularly for those with young families. These plans can be taken to cover Life and/or Critical Illness and are underwritten on application in the same way as mentioned above.

However, unlike the traditional forms of policy, rather than pay out a lump sum, the cover would pay an annual or monthly income for the remainder of the term of the plan. Thus, it can replace the income of the main breadwinner for a number of years, dependent upon a particular client’s circumstances and, because of this would usually be written on a level or basis, or an index-linked basis designed to keep up with inflation.


There’s an adage that says you can never have too much insurance. Certainly, many people have one or more of the different types of policy and it would be wrong to think of Mortgage Protection Insurance as just an “either/or” choice. However, in the real world, affordability plays a massive part, so whilst it would be fantastic to cover yourself for every potential opportunity, a good advisor will sit down with you and tailor the type of cover to be the most suitable combination to your family’s priority and budget.

This is where we can help! Please give us a call or fill out our enquiry form to speak with one of our Dedicated Protection Specialists. & Lincolnmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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